The Welfare Crew offers support to those vulnerable at festivals and events either through substance use, mental health, are a victim of an assault or sexual assault and for those that are finding the festival environment too overwhelming in that moment.  We offer a safe space facilitated by trained and experienced volunteers where people can be cared for until they feel able to head back into the festival/event.

Our volunteers come from a range of professional backgrounds including drug and alcohol services, mental health, probation, social care, fire service, youth services, medical services.  Alongside their work experience all volunteers are trained in drugs and alcohol, how to safeguard vulnerable adults and children, how to support victims of sexual assault/rape, how to recognise and deal with domestic abuse incidents, recognising mental health and how to give immediate support.

All of our volunteers are DBS checked and are supported 24/7 by our management team on site. Our primary aim is to deliver a quality service to all who need welfare support at any event. Our non-judgemental approach to support ensures people are confident that their needs will be met whilst in the care of The Welfare Crew. Safeguarding vulnerable people is our top priority within the welfare arena, before people leave our care we will ensure that they are safe to do so.  For all under 18’s in our care we will ensure an appropriate adult attends the welfare to collect them when they are ready.