Safeguarding statement
Events Wellbeing recognises its responsibility to help safeguard those who are vulnerable to neglect, abuse and harm and actively commits to safe working practices to protect those in need.
Events Wellbeing understands that the welfare of vulnerable adults and children is paramount and that all person’s have the right to be protected from harm or abuse.
Every member of our team has a responsibility to safeguard children and vulnerable adults, ensuring the relevant policies and procedures are followed. All of our team have a duty to report anything of concern whether that be in relation to a child, adult, staff member or volunteer.
Events Wellbeing will seek to safeguard children and vulnerable adults by:
- Listening to any concerns raised by the child, adult, staff member or volunteer
- Acting in accordance with legislation, policy and procedures
- Ensuring all staff and volunteers adhere to robust safeguarding policies and procedures
- Ensuring confidential, detailed records of safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored
- Ensure all staff and volunteers are suitably trained and supervised
- Ensure all staff and volunteers are DBS checked
Events Wellbeing will ensure any incidents of safeguarding are dealt with swiftly, effectively and with management oversight.
For our full safeguarding policy please request this by emailing